Méditation on Japanese folksong

for violin and piano(2012)


duration : ca. 4 min.


commisioned by : mmm...


first performance : 21st October 2012, at Shibuya Koen-dori classics(Tokyo)

by mmm... : Shungo Mise(violin), Kaori Ohsuga(piano) 


other performances : 

8th Febrary 2014, at Hôtel de Villle, salle du conseil municipal(Corbeil-Essonnes, France)

by Christine Massetti(violin), Véronique Durville(piano)


14th June 2015, at Sorinne-la-Longue(Bergium)

by Dejana Seklic(violin), Nao Momitani(piano)


bloadcasting :

15th June 2013, at France Musique(France) in "Boudoirs et Autres no.333" by Gérard Pesson

13th December 2013, at France Musique(France) in "Boudoirs et Autres no.350" by Gérard Pesson






This peice is based on a traditional lullaby from the Fukushima region. The original melody is fragmented throughout the piece, while te form and harmony are also consturucted from this song. I hope the generous-hearted lyricism of the original will give listeners some peauceful moments.  (Notice from "Hibari project" blog)


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